Juvenile League - Tuesday Night 31st January 2012
Post date: Feb 01, 2012 9:45:59 AM
There are now 55 athletes after competing in the juvenile league.
Below is the League table after week 3.
Next week the format will be 1 long race followed by 1 sprint.
Week 3 (Tower Park 7pm Tuesday 7th February)
Competition is really hotting up after 3 weeks of the winter League.
Winners of the long races tonight included Mathew Cody, Killian Nolan, William Baker, Darragh Buckley & Adam Malone.
In the sprint Jayne O Sullivan, Evan Villis, Sean Donnellan, Mathew Sibanyeyi & Adam Malone were to the fore.
Parents Please note that Club AGM is on this Friday 3rd Feb in Holy Family Hall (located between church and GAA Complex) at 8pm. It is very important that you attend if possible as plans for the coming year will be discussed.