Aviva Schools Combined Events International at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow - 3rd December 2011
Post date: Jan 16, 2012 9:24:55 AM
Aviva Schools Combined Event- Scotland - Jack Daly wins silver International team medal.
Congratulations to Jack Daly who was selected for the Irish Schools' U/16 team which competed at the Aviva Schools Combined Events International at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow on 3rd December 2011. The Irish team won the silver medals. Well done to Jack who competed and scored excellent points contributing to the overall team scoring. Jack competed in the 60mh in 9.14sec, 715pts, Long Jump 5.21m, 569pts, Shot Putt 11.09m, 551pts, 200m in 24.50sec, 649pts and 800m in 2.26.85sec, 363pts. Jack now looks forward to competing in the Munster club and schools indoor competitions in February. Some photos from the event are available on our photos page.