All Ireland U11 Team Championships 27-Jun-2015
Post date: Jul 27, 2015 10:36:2 AM
Congratulations to Grace Rooney, Sophia Connon and Avril Millerick who all competed so well at the All Ireland U11 team championships in Tullamore on 27th June last.
Grace Rooney and Sophia Connon were 2nd in the 2 x 60m Grace’s time was 8.86 and Sophia’s time was 9.41. Grace also won an individual gold medal as she came joint first with Emer Conroy of Dooneen.
Grace then teamed up with Avril Millerick in the 2 x 600m. Avril had a great race 2.01.36 as did Grace 2.05.43. The girls finished in 9th place in a highly competitive field.
This was a great achievement for these young athletes who did so well throughout their Track and Field season!