Return to Restricted Training from Monday 18th May
Post date: May 14, 2020 10:43:50 AM
I hope you and your family are keeping well during these difficult times, in relation to return to training. Tower park will be open for groups of 4 to train from 18 May. For Juveniles U14 upwards one Adult and 3 kids only. Bookings to be made with Ann Marie on a weekly basis. Ann Marie will need names of everyone using plus a contact number for contact tracing in case of outbreak. For juveniles, parents numbers will have to be supplied not the kids numbers.
All booking will be for 45min leaving 15mins to finish up and allow for next group to come in. Athletes must maintain 2m distance from each other and must all live within the 5km area. For the time being Club House will remain closed. Gate must be locked on leaving grounds.